gADGeTs develops an innovative solution that improves and integrates different technical disciplines in the DG supply chain for a minimal human intervention. This is achieved through an analytical study of all the variables involved in the supply chain, with the technological objective of substantially increasing the safety, efficiency, synchro-modality and interoperability of the parties involved. gADgeTs project main result will is a digital solution completely disruptive in the sector, for the management, security and traceability of dangerous goods transport by means of the creation of a modular tool totally adaptable to the needs of the client, ready to be marketable.
gADGeTs is an European transnational cooperation project carried out by PRISMA (Austria) and AITEC (Spain).
gADGeTs webpage:
You can download the gADGeTs modules in:
- QR-gADGeTs generator:
- App-gADGeTs info-reader:
- gADGeTs exe:
The main objectives of the gADGeTs project are:
1. To provide all applicable technical and administrative requirements on the basis of specific shipped dangerous products, helping all participants in the supply chain to fulfill their responsibilities in DG (dangerous goods) transport (including intermodality).
2. Integration of the new features (outputs of gADGeTs) through a friendly graphical user interface ready to be used in smartphones and tablets. The required information will be encoded in labels that will be easily readable by APPs installed on mobile devices (phones/tablets).
3. Route scheduling using a web-browser based map will provide safe and secure routes for the DG transport.
4. DG route tracking/monitoring ensuring compliance with the pre-planned route, and helping to prevent theft and ensure general and public safety and security
05/06/2017 - 03/06/2019
• Dangerous goods safety advisers.
• Dangerous goods shippers.
• Quality, environment and security managers.
• Technical staff of traffic and logistics.
• Dangerous goods carriers.
This project has been funded by CDTI with the support of the Spanis Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness.
Project budget: 269.659,00 €
You can ask for more information about the project in:
Telf.: (+34) 96 136 69 69
Project manager: Francisco Santarremigia, PhD. Eng.