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IP4MaaS - Projects I+D+i - Aitec

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Projects I+D+i

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Project details
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Start Date: 01/12/2020


Within Innovation Programme 4 of Shift2Rail (Innovation Programme 4 - Shift2Rail) more than 10 projects have created a wide array of technologies that tackles various aspects of traveller experience. These technologies tackle the interoperability of Transport Service Providers' (TSPs) services, travel shopping, booking & ticketing, trip tracking, travel companion technologies and business analytics. Various tools have been tested in various locations around Europe retrieved user feedback and improved upon the feedback. Today, IP4 has a large toolset of proven technologies that need to go to the next level; become ready to be implemented in large scale products.


IP4MaaS will assist IP4 projects to demonstrate the technologies at an unprecedented level: 6 different locations in Europe including more than 10 transport operators (Public Transport and Mobility-as-a-Service), authorities and agencies. IP4MaaS will develop the scenarios for the demonstrations and a thorough assessment strategy for the demonstrations that tackles both the performance of the demonstrations as well as the impact of the technologies on users and the environment in urban and suburban setups. IP4MaaS will create strategic plans for the demonstrations that will be updated in two iterations leading to two demonstration phases. Furthermore, the project will provide recommendations regarding the promotion and transferability of the technologies to other locations in Europe. IP4MaaS will organise and monitor one of the largest demonstrations of technologies in European project's history and expects its findings to be used as a baseline for future demonstrations and testing that involves a diverse group of demo partners.

The AITEC's team involved in the project is:


1st December 2020 - 30th June 2023


This project is funded by Shift2Rail (EU-H2020). Project reference: 101015492

Parque Tecnológico. C/ Charles Robert Darwin, 20. 46980 Paterna - VALENCIA - SPAIN. Teléfono (+34) 96 136 69 69. aitec@aitec-intl.com